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Forensic & Organisational Psychologist

PhD Candidate Swinbourne University

Dr Bea Raymond is a Registered Psychologist and a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) Colleges of Forensic and Organisational Psychologists. She is a Clinical Member of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) and the Australian and New Zealand branch (ANZATSA) and a member of Canadian Association for Threat Assessment.

Dr Raymond has over 20 years experience in the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders in the criminal justice system and has extensive court experience. 

Dr Raymond has been in private practice since 2005 and has worked alongside her colleague Dr Karen Owen at Vicpsychplus. As a Consultant Dr Raymonds' practice focuses on risk assessment and treatment in sexual and violent offences, child protection issues, and other criminal matters. In addition to this expertise, Dr Raymond is experienced in the use of Auslan sign language with extensive and varied experience working as a psychologist with the disabled, the deaf population, and indigenous populations in remote areas of Western Australia.

For several years Dr Raymond was a Senior Psychologist with Corrections Victoria, Sex Offender Programs.

Now working in private practice Dr Raymond is a consultant to the Department of Justice and Community Safety, and other government and not for profit and community agencies.

Dr Raymond is a qualified trainer and provides practical knowledge to the organisational arena including, peer support, training, and so on.

Dr Raymond continues to provide training and consultancy in the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders and protective behaviours to government and non-government agencies and the private sector around Australia. She has presented at conferences and has published in the field. Dr Raymond regularly provides expert evidence in the County, Children's and Magistrates Courts.


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