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Pre Employment Child Safety Screening

The Diana Screen

Pre employment and volunteer screening

Vicpsychplus together with Abel Screening Inc (USA) are proud to have introduced The Diana Screen into Australia.

The Diana Screen is a risk management screening tool aimed at protecting children and teenagers from sexual abuse.

Vicpsychplus offers pre-employment and volunteer screening to organisations that provide services to children and teenagers.

The Diana Screen is a scientifically validated screening test that identifies people who should not be placed in positions of trust with children and teenagers. It quickly and inexpensively asks the child safety questions that staff do not have the experience to ask.

The information collected by The Diana Screen is de-identified data and does not collect any personal information, as defined under Privacy Laws in Australia.

For more information please visit The Diana Screen​ website

The Diana screen is the culmination of 18 years of research headed by Abel Screening, Inc.'s founder and internationally renowned scientist, Gene G. Abel, M.D... Abel Screening

In November 2013 Vicpsychplus provided a submission to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Issues Paper 4: Preventing sexual abuse of children in out of home care.

Our submission promotes the use of The Diana Screen as an essential part of an organisations employment strategy to select the most appropriate employee or volunteer to work with children and teenagers... To read our submission please go to Proposal Royal Commission Vicpsychplus

61 3 9482 4499

123 Spring Street, Reservoir, Victoria 3073

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